Chhaya Shikkha Bigyan Class 12 By Debasish Pal

Chhaya Shikkha Bigyan Class 12 By Debasish Pal

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Product Description

Chhaya Shikkha Bigyan Class 12 By Debasish Pal

Introducing "Chhaya Shikkha Bigyan Class 12" by Debasish Pal – Your Comprehensive Guide to 12th Grade Environmental Science!
Unlock the mysteries of the natural world and delve into the fascinating realm of environmental science with our meticulously crafted textbook, "Chhaya Shikkha Bigyan Class 12." Authored by the renowned educator, Debasish Pal, this book is designed to provide students with a comprehensive and engaging learning experience for their 12th-grade studies.
Key Features:
1. In-Depth Content: "Chhaya Shikkha Bigyan Class 12" covers a wide range of topics in environmental science, offering a deep understanding of ecological principles, biodiversity, natural resources, pollution, climate change, and sustainable development.
2. Student-Friendly Language: Debasish Pal's clear and concise writing style ensures that complex concepts are presented in an easily understandable manner, making the learning process enjoyable and effective.
3. Visual Enhancements: Richly illustrated with diagrams, charts, and vivid images, this book brings the subject to life, aiding visual learners in grasping intricate concepts effortlessly.
4. Comprehensive Exercises: A variety of thought-provoking questions, exercises, and case studies are included to reinforce learning, stimulate critical thinking, and encourage practical application of knowledge.
5. Exam-Oriented Approach: With a focus on the latest curriculum and examination patterns, this book equips students with the tools they need to excel in their exams and assessments.
6. Environmental Awareness: "Chhaya Shikkha Bigyan Class 12" goes beyond academics, fostering a sense of environmental consciousness and responsibility among students, preparing them to be informed global citizens.
7. Supplementary Resources: Access to online resources and supplementary materials further enriches the learning experience, providing additional support for in-depth exploration.

Embark on a journey of discovery and enlightenment with "Chhaya Shikkha Bigyan Class 12" by Debasish Pal. Whether you're a student seeking to ace your exams or an enthusiast eager to explore the wonders of the natural world, this book is your ultimate companion. Order your copy today and take a step towards a greener, more sustainable future!


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