We Are Displaced By Malala Yousafzai

We Are Displaced By Malala Yousafzai

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Product Description

We Are Displaced My Journey and Stories from Refugee Girls Around the World  By Malala Yousafzai

Yousafzai, the 2012 teenage survivor of a Taliban soldier's bullet, who won the Nobel Peace Prize, is a fierce advocate for girls' access to education. But in this deep book, she avoids discussing those parts of her life in favour of focusing on another one: displacement. She starts by describing how her family was forced to leave their Pakistani hometown in 2009 due to rising Taliban violence. The majority of the book is made up of urgent, articulate first-person accounts from young women who have been displaced or are refugees that Yousafzai has met while travelling, and whose countries of origin include Colombia, Guatemala, Syria, and Yemen. Amazing perseverance, fortitude, and optimism are displayed by the contributors in the face of pain, and their stories' underlying theme—the tragic loss of their former lives and homelands—and the ensuing "tangle" of emotions—is conveyed via their personal narratives.It's incredibly poignant because of the range of feelings that come with leaving everything you know behind.Authors Weekly

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